Patriot Ride - The Patriot Ride Legacy

Thanking our veterans.  Recognizing our service men and women.  Honoring our fallen soldiers.  Making sure the families of those soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice know that their loss will not be forgotten.

We will remember.

The Patriot ride has given us years of memories. We’ve shed tears of joy.  We’ve shed tears of sadness.  We’ve felt an overwhelming array of emotions. The Patriot Ride brought us together to celebrate those who keep us safe and free. To celebrate those men and women’s families that stay behind. To celebrate America.


As we say goodbye to the Patriot Ride, we want to thank everybody who has helped us celebrate and remember…you are true patriots!  Please enjoy taking a look back at some of our favorite memories from years past.  None of this was possible without all of you.  So one more time…THANK YOU!

Our Story

Since 2006 the Patriot Ride has been helping raise money for military and law enforcement families across Minnesota. It has grown from 100 riders in 2006 to over 5,000 riders in 2019. From raising a couple thousand dollars to a couple HUNDRED thousand dollars. All in the Patriot Ride has raised over 3 million dollars benefitting The Minnesota Patriot Guard, Minnesotans’ Military Appreciation Fund and the Minnesota chapter of Tribute to the Troops.

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Woman hugging veteran
The Causes banner
Minnesota Patriot Guard banner

Minnesota Patriot Guard is a diverse group of riders and individuals with one thing in common: we all have tremendous respect for those who risk their lives every day, whether on American soil or abroad, in securing our nation’s freedoms and liberties.

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THANKS banner

Minnesotans’ Military Appreciation Fund gives us an opportunity to show our troops how much we value their commitment and service to our country. MMAF is a non-partisan, volunteer-run, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation formed to raise money to provide cash grants as a “thank you” to all Minnesota military personnel who have served in a combat zone since September 2001.

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Tribute to the Troops banner

Rockie Lynne, an Army veteran and country music recording artist co-founded Tribute to the Troops in Minnesota.  Rockie’s hit single “Home” was used for a video showing the pictures of MN Fallen Heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice in the War on Terror.

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