Ride Date: June 22, 2019
Ride Time: Noon
On-Site Registration: Starts at 9:00 AM – Ends at 11:30 AM
Ride Cost: Rider $40 Passenger $15
All registration details can be found HERE
The route is outstanding. The new expanded route encompasses 70 Miles through the North Metro that is sure to let you …
Get Your Flag On!
Route details (map and turn by turn) are available for download HERE
You and your 5,000 fellow riders will be joined by hundreds of road-side onlookers showing their appreciation for this ride that demonstrates dignity, honor and respect for those who are, and those who have served.
It all starts and ends at the airport. Join us for food and activities both before and after the ride.
Check out the WHAT’S GOING ON? page for all the developing details.